ROLE  Concept development, Site analysis, Collage& Rendering, Arrange and summarize

SOFTWARE Photoshop, Miro, Ontario Population& Demographics, PD: 3D Sun-Path, Toronto Wind& Weather Statistic, Every Tree Counts, Toronto Safety Data Portal, PDF, PowerPoint

Redefine city cohesion from social, environmental, economic and visual aspects. 

This project proposed a new plan for King& Dufferin area that intends to activate the
community while balancing previous architecture with new construction. A parking
building, public park and platform bridge were introduced to fulfill demands and
achieve the continuity of space.

Site Research

With the strong sense of industry development and diverse culture, King and Dufferin attract an increasing number of people from different districts in Toronto that we could see a positive potential of this area. However, considering the safety, environmental as well as social cohesive issues, renovations are needed in terms of the King and Dufferin area. In this project, we focused along the Dufferin St, where a multi-function parking lot will be designed to promote social cohesion, form a community-focused district. The gradual approach has been divided into four phases, firstly, aimed at green space arrangement, increase the number of curbside plants that visually pleased citizens year-round. To form shade pedestrian roads, promote air quality while balancing the overconcentration of vegetation in the park. Secondly, solving safety issues, enhance green space, and lighting’s quantity, as well as quality, have a significant effect on reducing hidden crimes. This also results in the reduction of noise pollution raised by the parking lot. Third, establish and combine a new parking lot with an original park area, the new parking lot will be functional as tourist &service center, playground, performance space. Fourth, connecting the XO condo and parking lot through the pedestrian bridge brings economic development. Through more occupancy and charity organizations, tramps’ problems will be mitigated. In conclusion, we see King and Dufferin St as a long-term development area that reserve historical feature but welcomes new blood coming in. 

Social Aspect

As for the social aspect, the first thing we considered is the safety issue, with the awareness that King and Dufferin are suffering from homeless and sanitation problems. While there is no government shelter in this area, the indirect approach will be taken as an increased proportion of green space and lighting devices, since people participate in the space more other, potential crimes will be lessened.

Although we see loads of parking areas in this district, few of them provide service to the visitors and residents living in the house. At this stage, considering the potential residents and further development, only a parking space could not satisfy people’s needs but became multi-functional. Green surface parking indeed helps the environmental issue with continuous development, nevertheless, the limited amount and restricted space became huge barriers. To achieve the purpose, seeing a parking lot as a social space that contains multiple functions give people a sense of the center of the community is necessary. Solving the parking problem while letting the structure be active not only to visitors but residents. Utilize green space to merge building into the landscape to blur the boundaries, have a playground on the top floor encourage individuals’ participants, connect XO condo’s backyard with overhead bridges give alternative pathway.  

Environmental Aspect

A green corridor surrounds the building by filtering the light and protecting it from solar radiation on the façade. Therefore, hydroponic climbing vines are added to the outer wall to increase the green texture. These plants have strong moisture retention, durability and convenient installation. This special planting method solves part of the drainage problem of the building. 

A large water tank is installed at the underground level to collect rainwater from the roof and irrigates the entire facade with the help of a hydroponic planting system. These façade layers and green plants make a huge contribution towards off-gas treatment as well as noise control, air circulation is also concluded in the plan.  

Economic Aspect

Through the renovation, pay parking lot will bring economic development. Focused on the low employed rate, community-centred parking attract tourist, when the commercial façade under XO condo and increasing people fluid in is the potential residence improving the local economic states, more job opportunities will arise.  

Visual Aspect

Kingand Dufferin St is area with their own community identity, the red bricks,historical sites, all resonate and are embodied in citizens’ daily life. For theappearance of the car park, we decided to adopt a rust-coloured facade to createa building with a sense of history and a local cultural context. But innovationwas taken in structure and form, using similar colours to evoke a sense ofcomfort and familiarity. At the same time, hydroponic climbing vines are addedto the outer wall to increase the green texture.

Themain species of vegetation in the park are red maple, red cedar, hackberry,white spruce and bush honeysuckle. These plants have different growth cycles,presenting different states in 3, 10 and 30 years of future planning, and theselected trees will present different views in different seasons, ensuring thateach period can create a unique landscape of the park.

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